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Bends of Light

2013 and It’s Getting Later…

Like many people looking at the calendar and wondering what the heck is happening in this time of global change, I have some thoughts about the state of the world. What is happening with the sun, the weather, the earth, the social order…. all this is troubling to me and to many. Yet on another level of awareness, I know that everything is working out for the soul of humanity to experience the most remarkable transformation into understanding its innate divinity and expressing that in a way that will forever be remembered as a new birth for the planet. But for now, to look around, there are some troubling things going on. What to do in the face of them? Not get overwhelmed, and not shut down. Remember that your experience of healing is connected to a greater collective consciousness which is also healing. Your awareness and mindfulness in moving through your own buried trauma, however small, your realization of your own power to transform your life, is going to ripple into that collective and have an impact on the whole. Remember that, and be encouraged.

Trying to keep balanced with the knowledge that there’s a bigger picture I’m not fully aware of, I have nonetheless watched with increasing alarm the situations playing out that are bringing to the surface aspects of human experience most in need of healing. Brutality. Toxicity. Hypocrisy. Cruelty. For example, last week’s big news story: Now that the women in Cleveland are free from their decade-long horror of exploitation, how will they integrate their experience and heal from it? What they lived through is beyond the ability of most people to even approach comprehending. How are we as the ones witnessing it going to process a level of pain and inhumanity this unfathomable? How can you release your own pain of isolation, slavery, powerlessness, pain? I have been watching the recognitions coming out of this event, and working on my own inner pain with the awareness of connection to the global consciousness of enslavement that has been part of our culture, overtly and covertly, for much too long. It is not easy to confront, but doing the work is what leads to being free for everyone. I am humbled to participate in this collective healing, brought into focus by these survivors, these great souls.

Remember that your experience of healing is connected to a greater collective consciousness which is also healing, and be encouraged. Share on X

This is just one example. There are so many these days to choose from. We could use them as crowbars to wrench ourselves as a people free from the hidden bonds of night. Is it useful to apply what we witness to bring ourselves into alignment with our soul’s plan, and the plan of the soul of the planet? Can greater understanding be found in exploring our own pain? How do you deal with the distress that comes up on your screen? It’s necessary to take a clear and honest look at what is dying in our world to be ready to welcome rebirth. It is time to let go of the pain that has caused so much degradation, so much poisoning of our people and our world, and to do what we can do to stay above the level of worry about what might happen, or what is happening that we have no control over. You are the only one who can help yourself come out of the darkness of sleep. In sharing the light you discover in healing, in bringing together the shattered aspects of self living in this world of 3D, you help.

To open up this discussion further, I invite you to engage in some of the groups going on at the O9 website, and to create new groups to stimulate a greater healing with the community. Bring your fears and your hopes, your concerns and observations. Post videos, photos, words, music to enrich understanding and transformation. Share what you know! Every voice is precious. This is the time for bringing it all together and out in the open. Remember: The site exists for you, in resonance with the deep vibration of love that the League of Light have been opening up for us all. Take advantage of what’s there and create it to be what serves the collective of humanity in this time of transformation.

I wish you all peace and wholeness.

© Maryann Rada, all rights reserved. Repost permitted only with link to original post.

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