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Tag: truth peace healing

Along Creative Lines

Along Creative Lines

Putting down the pen and picking up the pencil opened up my creativity to new lines of expression. Have you given such a thing a try lately? Maybe it's my Aquarian nature. My creativity, no matter what form it takes, always has the idea behind
Friends Gather, and Isis Adds Her Voice

Friends Gather, and Isis Adds Her Voice

Sometimes when I write, I receive transmissions that originate from outside of the group of contacts you have come to know as the League of Light. The Pleiadian Renegades are still very much here, as are Anica, Asket, and Semjase (read Semjase’s recent message or

Trading Hope for Something Better

Trading Hope for Something Better

Right now, most of us are feeling tense about things we can’t control. We can dislike the sound of war drums, we can be disgusted with tawdry exhibitionism on tv, we can watch helplessly as headlines continue to surface about radioactivity poisoning our planet’s largest

2013 and It’s Getting Later…

2013 and It’s Getting Later…

Like many people looking at the calendar and wondering what the heck is happening in this time of global change, I have some thoughts about the state of the world. What is happening with the sun, the weather, the earth, the social order…. all this

Take Pause

Take Pause

Seeing what’s happening now, on the world stage, gives an idea of what transformation is. It’s happening at all levels and lately, that’s right in front of everyone’s eyes. If it gets to be too much, close your eyes, and connect to the timeless sea

Come to Think of It

Come to Think of It

When I first started posting messages from the group of people who call themselves the Pleiadian Renegades, I never thought putting a few notes online would lead to the creation of the network of websites and people that it has. Three years and a half

A simple thought…

Let every breath be conscious, every word a seed of peace. OM Shantih Shantih Shantih…     © Maryann Rada, all rights reserved. Repost permitted only with link to original post. Return to Bends of Light main page.