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Tag: shadow work

Giving In to Self Healing

Giving In to Self Healing

Given the amount of news that’s been happening lately, from letdowns of the big-time business kind to shutdowns of the government kind and meltdowns of the nuclear kind, not to mention showdowns of the cometary kind, it’s no wonder that the little wonders of life

Trading Hope for Something Better

Trading Hope for Something Better

Right now, most of us are feeling tense about things we can’t control. We can dislike the sound of war drums, we can be disgusted with tawdry exhibitionism on tv, we can watch helplessly as headlines continue to surface about radioactivity poisoning our planet’s largest

Shining Light into the Darkness

Shining Light into the Darkness

Even at the height of summer sunshine, it’s still pretty easy to see the dark hand of Nemesis at work. Nemesis, however, is a teacher, a regulator of karma, who brings everything into balance, eventually. Rest your mind about the deeper goings-on in the world

2013 and It’s Getting Later…

2013 and It’s Getting Later…

Like many people looking at the calendar and wondering what the heck is happening in this time of global change, I have some thoughts about the state of the world. What is happening with the sun, the weather, the earth, the social order…. all this