Mind and heart in service
“This is the most soul-touching document I have read in my lifetime.”
“Love the poetic way the messages are conveyed. A third language as it seems, speaking beneath the words.”
“Thank you for your dedication to this work—your love for others and your light shining, expanding to us all to help us in navigating these interesting times.”
Maryann Rada’s writings speak to our transformation toward a divinely aware galactic humanity.

Enter, and come to a new understanding of divinity and Pleiadian core concepts. Remember who you are. Let the writings trigger remembrance, and Nine knowledge will lead you home.
“How far are you willing to go? Home awaits. A new world is ready to be born.”
— Maryann Rada
Books for a new age of reason
“Thank you for helping our souls find the sustenance that is so hard to come by in these times.” — Bill J.

Bends of Light

Have always found everything received from you to be in the right time, dear friend. Appreciate all you do grandly, the videos, tarot, Creative Counselors of course, now movie-to-be. But it is who you are, the purity of your Love that has initiated so much positive change in me, Maryann. Perhaps “one and the same” but felt to communicate. Love to you and yours, Maryann.

We run across strong connections in our journey, and I wanted to point out one that has really helped me understand some key things. Maryann labors furiously to provide her life force to render media that is incredibly insightful. This, in conjunction with her readings, have been in lock step with my journey for quite a while now, and for her I am truly thankful. Bless your beautiful heart Maryann.

Excellent material , wide open Heart — a true soul sister!

Love the poetic way the messages are conveyed. A third language as it seems, speaking beneath the words. Not cognitive, but flows effortlessly when it hits the right hemisphere of my mind. I cast my net to the right side. The catch is more plentiful here, where the current carries the otherwise unnoticeable upward. Thank you.

What I find most fascinating is that their messages seem to work on a cellular level with me as well as on a spiritual level. I can feel things shifting in my body and in my energy when I work with them…. I don’t have to save the world, I just need to save me and trust that the ripple I make will cause a far reaching wave in the collective. I’ve known this for years and yet it was your works that finally drove the point home for me. Thank you for that.

This material has given me wisdom that changed the way I see everything around me. Renegade Thoughts has led me to a bold new interpretation of reality beyond the limitation of terrestrial thought… expanded my awareness and brought cosmic wisdom down to earth with wit and insight. I recommend this book.

You must know what a wonderful and caring gift your services are to those of us on our spiritual paths. For those of us who have yet to penetrate the veil and open communication lines with our higher selves and guides, your readings are a very precious gift as well as aid in spiritual development.

It is a great honor for this world to have Maryann as an incarnate. Her readings were the core of my spiritual awakening. I often refer to her as my spiritual guide.
The main site of work from the League of Light, the Pleiadian Renegades, and more. Dive deep into everything, from original notebook pages to the message transmissions, a dictionary of Pleiadian light language. Meet the crew, study the Science of Nine, and embark on a journey of (self-)discovery on Nine’s Path.
Every week, with a midweek update, the Pleiadians offer practical insight in the archetypal language of tarot. Applicable for both the individual, personal journey and the bigger-picture scene on the world stage, these messages can lead to deeper appreciation and more meaningful interaction with life’s currents.
Maryann Rada writes in partnership with higher consciousness extending through time and space. The websites, books, and other projects represent a lifetimes-long mission to open eyes, minds, and hearts to a deeper experience of love and being.
See the Official Trailer for Lightships
Lightships, written/directed by John Harrigan, is based on the book Remembrance by Maryann Rada
Stay tuned for ways you can help bring this powerful film to the world!
Video Library
Wander through a collection of videos that touch on subjects I find interesting, enlightening, and expanding.
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