I hardly know how to introduce the concept of divine connection. When faced with putting something into words here, I am faced with an encompassing, perfectly eloquent silence. It is within that silence that knowledge of divinity arises, after all. I think, perhaps, it’s best to let it go at that, and merely have the information below speak for itself.
However, I must bring to your attention that an understanding of divinity is incomplete without meeting Nemesis. To that end, I invite you to explore the concepts being added to the “Unbreaking” section. We all have some reality to come to terms with, sometimes very, very close to home.
Click the topics to nine your understanding:
Chants and Prayers
Deepest OM
Sri Mrityunjaya Mantra
I was taught this mantra directly by Ammaji in San Diego.
Cathar Encodements: Lo Boiér
Jesus Prayer
The Prayer Life of Quakers
Quintessential inner divine connection, explained.
OM Namah Shivaya
The Great Redeeming Mantra, the one which initiated me through shaktipat into a bigger concept of self than I had previously found through religion, and which brought me home again to it, in a more satisfyingly expansive way.
Craig Pruess
This slow, deep chant will open your breath. Very powerful! A very mystical version.
Krishna Das
108 Times: Gurumaa
30 Minutes: Ravi Shankar
Sri Guru Gita (182 verses)
This long, complex, and very old text may seem challenging, but dedication to reciting it has a grace of its own. I’ve had the good fortune to count some of my best teachers and healers among those who are devoted to this chant and lineage.
Gnosis: Direct Knowing
Lost Spiritual Technology of the Angels
William Henry provides important clues to this lost spiritual technology, which have been preserved in everything from renaissance art to Christian gnosticism, Hindu and Buddhist sacred texts, and the teachings of western mystery schools.
Body, Mind, Spirit
The Pleiadians Returning Light: 528Hz
Spiritual Reality: Power of Meditation
Samadhi Movie, 2017 - Part 1 - "Maya, the Illusion of the Self"
Samadhi Movie, 2018 - Part 2 (It's Not What You Think)
Samadhi Movie, 2021- Part 3 - "The Pathless Path"
Samadhi - Guided Meditation Series - Intro
Samadhi - Guided Meditation #1- Breath as the Bridge
Samadhi - Guided Meditation #2- The Hindrances
Samadhi - Guided Meditation #3 - "Prana"
Samadhi - Guided Meditation #4 - Know Yourself (Nirvikalpa)
Daniel Schmidt - Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview
Invitation to Stillness - Free Daily Online Meditation at AwakenTheWorld.com
The 7 Day Online IAM Retreat (Intensive Sadhana)- The Practice that Leads to Samadhi
Samadhi Part 4 "Sadhana" - Trailer (Film Coming in 2025)
Thunderbolts.info: Electricity of Life
Arthur Ramthun: Plant Electro-tropism | EU2015
David Drew: Nikola Tesla & The Electric Universe | Thunderbolts
Dr. Jerry Tennant: Healing as Voltage | EU2017
Andrew Hall: Electricity in Ancient Egypt | Thunderbolts
Andrew Hall: Shine On You Crazy Diamond | Thunderbolts
Michael Clarage: Function in the Cosmos | Thunderbolts
Gerald Pollack: Electrically Structured Water | EU2013
Buddy James: Doughnuts | Thunderbolts
Buddy James: Magnetohydrodynamics | Thunderbolts
Buddy James: Geometry of the Electric Universe | Thunderbolts
Michael Clarage: The Light of Life | Thunderbolts
Michael Clarage: Electrical Form and Function | Thunderbolts
Nonlocal Mind & Collective Consciousness
Origins & Practices Playlist
Fractality: Science to the Soul
Swimming Dragon Qigong
A short and easy full-body qigong routine to add life to your day.
Narcissistic Abuse: An Unspoken Reality
Narcissism/BPD Playlist
Richard Grannon (Spartan Life Coach) has a practical, incisive approach to narcissism and related emotional states. Highly recommended in coming to understand relationships of all kinds, and in watching the world.
@Amazing Polly re. "Concern Trolls"
Quick : CPTSD, NPD, Asperger, Grieving, Bullying, Fight Response, Training, Reiki, Systema,Music etc
The one place you dont want to go in your mind, is the one place you must go to heal..
The Fastest, Easiest Test For Narcissism --- Up to date: "The Smiling No Test"
Letting Go. (How To Let Go Of Bad Baggage And Heal)
The One Question You Need To Determine If A Narcissist Is A Narcissist.
Why Your Family Hates You (8 Steps to Coping with ScapeGoating/Mobbing/Narcissism/Projection))
Shamans, Black Sheep, Seers, Outliers, Weirdos, Outcasts, Sensitives, Psychics and Healers.
Psychosomatic Illness caused by Porous Ego Boundaries due to Narcissistic Parent
How to Manage Contact With a Narcissist
15 Traits of People Pleaser Syndrome (in 15 minutes)
Key Principles of Self Assertiveness and Overcoming "People Pleaser" Syndrome
Bloodline Clearing Transmission
Clearing and Re-Aligning to a Higher Light. This remastered transmission is intended to put your bloodline on notice (both mother and father lines) that the whole bloodline is now shifting into a higher frequency of light. This shift will especially impact upon the past seven generations on either side. This transmission goes beyond giving notice to beginning the process of neutralising any programs or energies seeking expression through your reality that does not serve your soul’s path. Many unresolved energies can be surrendered into Source Light at this time. Patterns of abuse, emotional suppression, deep anger/grief, hurt, resentment, helplessness, violence and war can all be surrendered. The first stage is a clearing for seven generations. Then the transmission works to clear any deeper patterns from seven generations back into infinity. In particular it seeks to clear any old alien interference in the bloodline that at this time can be released.
Awakening & the Darkness that Nourishes
A short Q&A with Michael Tsarion about handling the darkness
Relax, It’s the Best Medicine!
If you’ve read much from the Pleiadians, you’ll notice they have a great sense of humor. It’s divine. Indulge and let go, break taboos, and find the funny side of things now and then. It’s liberating and helps you breathe 😁(Warning: Strong language ahead)
JP Sears: Ultra-Spiritual Life
How Spiritual People Make Money
How To Be a Spiritual Pick Up Artist
How to Offend Everyone
How to Become a Narcissist
What a Silent Meditation Retreat is Like (Funny)
What Spiritual People Are Like During the Quarantine
What Celebrities Are Like During the Quarantine
Cooking When You’re Quarantined - Cooking with a Narcissist Ep. 3
How to Destroy Your Relationship During the Quarantine
What It’s Like Being Ultra Organic
What to do When You Run Out of Toilet Paper
If Couples Were Honest
Mind Control: Unbreaking
Gnostic Texts
From Nine’s Path
Continue divine exploration on Nine’s Path. These links lead to collected writings and more by Maryann and the League of Light.
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