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Bends of Light

Shining Light into the Darkness

Even at the height of summer sunshine, it’s still pretty easy to see the dark hand of Nemesis at work. Nemesis, however, is a teacher, a regulator of karma, who brings everything into balance, eventually. Rest your mind about the deeper goings-on in the world with the knowledge that there is shifting and balancing happening at every moment. I’m sure you’ve felt this in your own life, lately. Difficulties can become challenges with a simple shift of focus, and light can appear where you least expect it, if you can see from deep within your own being. During these days of blazing sunlit glory, become more aware of the power you own, of the divine light that you carry, and know that it is, in fact, the secret that the denizens of darkness seek, but perhaps fear to find. Hold your light fearlessly, dear ones, and know that the illumination you provide to the darkness itself is going to change everything, everywhere, once the job of Nemesis is silently still. Be blessed in these days, stay in balance with the elements, and above all, enjoy the moments of peace that sparkle in your life.

Hold your light fearlessly and know the illumination you provide to the darkness itself is going to change everything. Share on X

If you haven’t seen them yet, I’ve added a couple of videos of Anica’s recent teachings shared about the darkness. You’ll find them at the Channel Nine YouTube page.

© Maryann Rada, all rights reserved. Repost permitted only with link to original post.

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