My Complicated Relationship with Predictions

Love and Pain
How is it that we feel both love and pain? Limiting the love you give ultimately leads to some kind of pain. Love is too big for that. The Paradox of Love and Pain A decade ago, contactee Alex Collier famously quoted his Andromedan guide,

Nothing More than What Is: Video Edition
What does “disclosure” mean to you? It is truth-telling time, and when it comes to facing the truth with regard to our own soul, the question comes down to one thing: to love or withhold love. How will you choose to tip the scales? ©

Friends Gather, and Isis Adds Her Voice
Sometimes when I write, I receive transmissions that originate from outside of the group of contacts you have come to know as the League of Light. The Pleiadian Renegades are still very much here, as are Anica, Asket, and Semjase (read Semjase’s recent message or

Giving In to Self Healing
Given the amount of news that’s been happening lately, from letdowns of the big-time business kind to shutdowns of the government kind and meltdowns of the nuclear kind, not to mention showdowns of the cometary kind, it’s no wonder that the little wonders of life

Trading Hope for Something Better
Right now, most of us are feeling tense about things we can’t control. We can dislike the sound of war drums, we can be disgusted with tawdry exhibitionism on tv, we can watch helplessly as headlines continue to surface about radioactivity poisoning our planet’s largest

Shining Light into the Darkness
Even at the height of summer sunshine, it’s still pretty easy to see the dark hand of Nemesis at work. Nemesis, however, is a teacher, a regulator of karma, who brings everything into balance, eventually. Rest your mind about the deeper goings-on in the world

Odd What I See
Looking at the news, the recent headlines are in one sense interesting reading, and in another complete nonsense. The same goes for most of what is coming through alternate media streams, and to me, there is no insanity greater than what is happening right now.

Come to Think of It
When I first started posting messages from the group of people who call themselves the Pleiadian Renegades, I never thought putting a few notes online would lead to the creation of the network of websites and people that it has. Three years and a half