When I began posting online in 2008, with the blog Opalescent Words (now the book Remembrance), I eventually realized it would be a good idea to also create a blog chronicling my experience and the development of the work I had entered into with the Pleiadian Renegades of the League of Light.
Thus was born Bends of Light. Looking back, it seems like it was a good idea, as my life soon took dramatic turns I never could have expected. Bends of Light became the lens through which I could step back and reflect on what I was encountering, as their liaison. Travel with me through the experience of being the hands, eyes, and voice of the League of Light, and witness the transformation for yourself.

Our toes are already in the transformation; it’s whirling around us as a great chaotic vortex engulfing our shared Now. There’s no room for extra baggage.

Your Body Knows
Recently, I got a download of a healing meditation that’s extremely efficient. The essence of divine mechanics. Think of this: Your body knows what to do, as an exquisitely engineered piece of divine machinery. Operating in multiple planes of experience, multiple dimensions of being, your corpus resolves a myriad of patterns into a coherent state of being. Ideally, that is. It’s a self-healing marvel, given the time and go-ahead to fix itself. The beauty of this simple meditation, to me, is that you give the instruction, get out of the way, and rest. It kicks into operation as you speak the words, and it keeps on going long after you finish the act of saying them: My body is healing. I move out of the way. My physical body is healing. I step aside. My emotional body is healing. I observe quietly. My mental body is healing. I don’t think about it. My spiritual body is healing. I trust and wait. My temporal body is healing. I know my self is coming together. My body is healing. I move out of the way. It knows what it’s doing. See what happens when you truly just get out of the way

Nining the Knot

On the Pyre

Release Chakra Programs

A Moment of Note