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Bends of Light

Take Pause

Seeing what’s happening now, on the world stage, gives an idea of what transformation is. It’s happening at all levels and lately, that’s right in front of everyone’s eyes. If it gets to be too much, close your eyes, and connect to the timeless sea of what is inside you. Take a break, before the next wave of change sweeps over everything, to remember where you are, regardless of where you’re standing. Remember that there is nothing else but the hum of beingness and the certainty of existence in every breath. In this, find peace and the impetus to move forward as the day unfolds in front of you. In this, find peace, feel it radiant around you, pulsing itself into the space that you occupy, transforming everything… everything.

I’ve lived through storms and felt the blast of nature full-force tearing comfort apart. So have you. We all face them in some way. Augmented by human hands or not, the changes that are showing themselves upon this planet now are undeniably inescapable. We’ll weather it, though, as we do, knowing that we’re in it together, and that the changes that come—indeed, that are already here—are part of the process of a new reality birthing itself, the order of the ages manifesting through, around, and within us all.

As we take a breath and wait to see what’s next on the cosmic horizon, remember each other and know that there is nothing that can tear any of us away from the soulward journey we are on. I wish you peace and safety, warmth and comfort as day and night unravel a core Now, outside of time, inside the heart. Take a pause as time unravels Now.

Remember that there is nothing else but the hum of beingness and the certainty of existence in every breath. #bendsoflight Share on X

© Maryann Rada, all rights reserved. Repost permitted only with link to original post.

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