Over the past month, I have been going through some kind of transformation from within the core of my being, and nothing in my path is safe from the fire. It has been getting to the most deeply buried ideas about love that I have ever consciously accessed. How I have experienced it is a fully interactive arcade of imperfections steadily pointing out to me what I am experiencing is a form of imperfection in my concept of myself. For my part, I have rolled up my sleeves and am breaking a lot of belief structures and OM is in the background of it all. If we are all on the verge of finishing our lessons as a planet, it is important that we finish our lessons as they appear from moment to moment throughout the day. It’s not as if this is the final exam, but we do seem to be entering a period of expectancy, open to the possibility for fractalline tangents to our central sphere of beingness to return in full awareness of love. It feels to me like we have been wandering around in circles and have suddenly realized that all the paths we took were each part of a holographic design leading back to the central point of integration.
I haven’t given much thought about how this transformation is going. I’m really just trying to ride it out. It feels like it wouldn’t matter if I knew, anyway. It’s all going to be just fine. First, though, I have to deal with the reality in front of me, and change what I can to bring myself into alignment with the place my soul is driving at. It is the only thing I have any true control over, the way I choose to respond to my reality. It is the only way I can change anything else, is to change it within myself first. Which means I have to look at it and acknowledge its existence before it dissolves into something else. I have learned this from my son, who says if you look at the monsters, they will disappear. It is sage advice.
I have changed what I can in my environment, moving things around, cutting my hair, and forcing myself to savor a cup of tea for a few minutes every day. I enjoy the change in perspective, and the reality I see through this newly focused lens is showing the imperfections starkly in contrast to the picture that pulsates with life in the background of my awareness. I am seeing the energies of change sweeping through as if doing a final check-in before themselves changing into something completely new and unexpected. And the unexpected is probably the only sure thing we can expect.
As if we've been wandering in circles, realizing the paths we took were each part of a holographic design leading back to the central point of integration. Share on XWhich brings me to a topic that has been much on my mind: expectation. It is the step beyond intention. It is the nail the hammer of intention hits. It is the single point toward which desires end before becoming manifest. It comes at me from all sources, and has positioned itself as the governing concept for this particular time and place. Tell me, what do you expect from life? Could it be the thing you say you expect is merely the thing you want? If you really want to see where you have to change in order to get closer in alignment with peace, look at the things in your present reality that you consider points of imperfection. Look at the reactions you allow, the emotional response you choose to fuel, the words you would use to describe the reality imperfections you experience now. Could it be that those are clues to what you truly expect life to throw at you? I look at my own set of circumstances from this lifetime, and I see that I have always expected, in some form, disappointment. This is a powerful frequency modulator, to recognize the true nature of your own expectations. It is from that point that you can apply the logic of a 5-year-old monster fan to good measure. Look your imperfect self square in the eye and say, without a moment’s hesitation, with a full breath of air, “You are an aspect of my soul that has come home to be loved. Know you are loved and release the frequency you have held. Become pure encodement of love in the form of light, and return to OM.”
It helps to have a laser blaster handy, for any really stuck energies, so says the monster fan. Noted.
I’m blessed to have so many distractions to focus on. I’m getting extra credit for that thought pattern showing up. These are the things I tell myself to get me through the chaos that is coming with the tide of change. The family dinner is at my table this Christmas, and there is a lot to do to get ready for that. It will be good to have a chance to share with my mother what I have learned from her in the kitchen. The tree is up and decorated, the house getting ready for company, and so much going on with the Renegades and the online community of resonance!
Translations: I’ve been working under the radar and have a few things to announce, in the spirit of disclosure. Karla and James have been translating articles from the Renegades and Anica into Spanish and French, so there is a growing list of pieces in translation. I trust their relationship with the words they are working with, and expect that their efforts will allow more people to find resonance in the messages.
Personal Readings: A few people have asked when I’d be doing personal readings again, so I have decided now’s as good a time as any to offer that service anew. If you would like to have an insightful and provocative communication regarding your own experience as you are awakening, or whatever, you may want to consider having a reading. You can find some feedback on the home page, and nearly everyone who responds after reading their message tells me that the information unfolds more and more over time, leading to a deeper understanding of the path to integration and wholeness.
Calendar, cards, book, etc.: Just in time (barely) for the holidays, some new offerings at the Pleiadian Soul online store. You’ll find a new cosmically aligned “Christmas” card design, and a stunning wall calendar for 2010. Look for new t-shirt designs based on the artwork, coming soon. There’s also a fun new white oval car sticker to let people know where you’re coming from, with the sign “PL” for Pleiades. And for your friends and family who don’t rely on the Internet for information on What’s Happening Now, consider “Remembrance: Messages for Preparing for Contact”, the Renegades’ collected messages from 2008. It’s available from Lulu.com as a printed book or as a download.
New Facebook Community: I’ve been getting so many new friends on Facebook, I’ve realized it’s time to start a fan page so I can keep my communications straight. I find that I’ve been hesitating posting certain information or starting discussions on my Facebook page because not all of my friends and family are on the same page, so to speak. Starting the fan page opens that door wide, and I’m really looking forward to it coming alive. It’s called “Renegade Operatives”, and you’ll find it here. Please join! There are a lot of great communities on Facebook, and a lot of awareness spreading through its pages.
As always, your donations keep me afloat, and the websites online. Nothing fancy, but the bare minimum for keeping this information flowing. Thank you for supporting the site, and thus supporting the greater awakening of global consciousness. As we prepare for the darkest moon at this darkest time of year, may we carry enough love in our hearts to transform the shadows we meet into the purest essence of light and experience the transformation of love in the core of our being. I wish for you all great blessings and delightful surprises as the light of a new year dawns. Expect miracles, expect love, expect truth. We will not be disappointed.
© Maryann Rada, all rights reserved. Repost permitted only with link to original post.
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Mmmmm….sounds like a super cozy time is unfolding at your place!
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Wow loved reading this blogpost. I added your feed to my google reader!!
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Hi Maryann,
Mylene chiming in. It was just over a month ago that I saw in my mind’s eye the trouble making monster that I had apparently created to stay on guard for me. He/she I don’t know the gender looked just like Godzilla’s cousin, much like the picture on this blog. Well, since he was no longer hidden, I sincerely thanked him for his many years- over 4 decades of service in “protecting” me and told him he was free to go. It took a day before he lifted his head toward the sun, and then dissolved. I am surprised to see that indeed the monster in me has gone. Thanks for the blog. Found it through mayanmajix.com.
Best to All,
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(Maryann) “It has been getting to the most deeply buried ideas about love that I have ever consciously accessed. How I have experienced it is a fully interactive arcade of imperfections steadily pointing out to me what I am experiencing is a form of imperfection in my concept of myself.”
ME TOO!! I’m assuming you’re talking about buried ideas that resist love and that’s what I mean. All the “not good enough” and “you’re a fraud; it’s hopeless” thoughts I have had for years are really in the fore. Sometimes, I’ve forgotten the Truth, believed them and felt depressed.
(Maryann) “Look your imperfect self square in the eye and say, without a moment’s hesitation, with a full breath of air, “You are an aspect of my soul that has come home to be loved. Know you are loved and release the frequency you have held. Become pure encodement of love in the form of light, and return to OM.””
I practice visualizations that remind me of this. But . . . and I’m sure I’m not alone, when I’m in the thick of it (or on the way in), I usually am so enthralled with ego/negative thoughts that I am unwilling to apply the practices. I did eventually free the block when I reached a point where I humbly and sincerely said, “OK, Holy Spirit, I surrender it all to you. I will go into this darkness head on with courage and faith that there’s a way through the fire–that I won’t get sucked up into the darkness and have a mental breakdown.” This seemed to turn the corner for me. The thoughts still arise at times but aren’t as compelling. I’m learning the thoughts will arise (they have so many times) BUT whether I believe them or not is the choice. Being aware of them, allowing them to arise rather than resisting them and dis-identifying from them is the key.
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we use big wall calendars on our offices, big wall calendars are easier to read ::~