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Bends of Light

How Deep the Soul Whispers

Have you ever wondered how direct communication from the soul might work? Here’s an insight from the Pleiadian perspective on how the soul whispers.

I’ve been acting as an intermediary — a transmission relay — between the Pleiadians and individuals for more than 10 years now. Well, mostly for the Pleiadians. Sometimes, for others who have passed on, but that was more in the early days of my contact experiences. If you’ve ever wondered about how such a thing works, read on.

Soul Connection

The goal of any transmission is to get information to a person that sources from a very refined level of divine connection. The simplest way to diagram it would be to say that I maintain a direct connection with the Pleiadians (a group of them calling themselves the Creative Counselors of the Pleiadian Family of Light-Hearted Healers, or the CC for short). They connect with the soul, or soul messengers (guides, ancestors, etc.) for a person who requests the transmission. The CC relay to me the message and I write it up. It was their idea to call them “Soul Whispers”, and I think it fits perfectly.

That’s the simple explanation. What happens beyond that is actually pretty cool.

The Mechanics of a Pleiadian Message

While I have the task of translating the transmission into written form, the CC are busy working directly with the person who’s asked a question. What they do differs from person to person, but they basically prepare the person to receive the full transmission when it’s finished. So there may be whispered insights, dreams, visions, strange coincidences or messages received on the part of the requester. This is the warm-up before the ball gets put into play, so to speak. They know better than I what inner triggers might need to be released for the message sent from the soul to have the intended effect on the person… or more accurately, within the person. This is a deep process, so it takes some time to prime.

Recently, I received a note of feedback from Stan. He had requested a reading based on some questions he had. He had taken the time to consider what he wanted to ask, and put his questions in order in his mind before writing them to me. This, I think, helped him immensely to prepare himself. What Stan didn’t expect, and what I neglected to mention in my initial email, was that the Pleiadians would also be hovering around to help him prepare, as well… Read the rest of this article on Nine’s Path

I'm really not comfortable sharing things like this, if only because I have no idea what they're talking about. #prediction #channeling #pleiadian #ninespath Share on X

© 2019 Maryann Rada, sharing permitted with link to original article

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