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Tag: channeling

How Deep the Soul Whispers

How Deep the Soul Whispers

Have you ever wondered how direct communication from the soul might work? Here’s an insight from the Pleiadian perspective on how the soul whispers. I’ve been acting as an intermediary — a transmission relay — between the Pleiadians and individuals for more than 10 years

My Complicated Relationship with Predictions

My Complicated Relationship with Predictions

I predict some reading this will see the deeper wisdom in what the Pleiadians are saying here. Some won’t. There, I’m covered. Starseeds Waiting… For those of us who have been awakened for any period of time, be it decades or months, it can be
FAQ: Frequency Adjustment Questions… Why Now?

FAQ: Frequency Adjustment Questions… Why Now?

For a long time, I’ve had questions for the Pleiadian Renegades and other sources I’ve had interdimensional communication with… questions beyond the business of getting the books and blogs written, and beyond the personal guidance I’ve received for myself and others. Questions like, who are

The Writer Stays Within

The Writer Stays Within

How are you, dear readers? I am in the process of working on a new chapter for my big book, and taking some time out of my day to reflect on the time that it’s taken me to write what I’ve already written… and I

Lessons in Seeing

Lessons in Seeing

I decided it was time to ask the Renegades a few questions that had been hanging in the back of my mind, just to gain clarity and get them out of the way. This is the question-and-answer we had. I have some questions for you,