A new directive has come through. I only share these when the LOL crew give the go-ahead. You saw this with the recent post on temporal markers. Now, opalescence. Think what you like about the form current events are taking vis à vis governments and

Thoughts on Time
Recently, the subject of time has… come up a lot. Notwithstanding my recent post on temporal markers, time is getting to be a hot topic. I shared an article about Einstein's box-universe model and the simultaneity of past, present, and future on Facebook. Some comments

Temporal Markers: Are We There Yet?
“The days are near when the intensity of change will be felt by all.” — Borgareil Over the years, from time to time — not often — the Pleiadians give me markers on things to come that actually do come to pass. More often than

Along Creative Lines
Putting down the pen and picking up the pencil opened up my creativity to new lines of expression. Have you given such a thing a try lately? Maybe it's my Aquarian nature. My creativity, no matter what form it takes, always has the idea behind

What’s With All Those WordPress Blogs?
On June 9, just a few days after launching a new set of message transmissions called "Higher Orders" here on Nine's Path, I created a new Wordpress blog to go with it. This makes the... oh, I've lost count now! I've got quite a collection

Enter Angels, Exit Fear: “We Are Cherubim”
When you’re in the Upside-Down, people in the real world hear you scream. Fans of Stranger Things know whereof I speak. I found this out last night, when I inadvertently found myself in the Upside-Down for real—momentarily—but long enough, thanks. As someone who rarely remembers

On the Edge of Transformation
Lately—and I mean daily for the past week or so—I've been getting a signal about a specific point in time. Not a calendar date, but a more intuitive sensing of a transformation point along the continuum of being. That space in time where ending and

My Complicated Relationship with Predictions
I predict some reading this will see the deeper wisdom in what the Pleiadians are saying here. Some won’t. There, I’m covered. Starseeds Waiting… For those of us who have been awakened for any period of time, be it decades or months, it can be

Love and Pain
How is it that we feel both love and pain? Limiting the love you give ultimately leads to some kind of pain. Love is too big for that. The Paradox of Love and Pain A decade ago, contactee Alex Collier famously quoted his Andromedan guide,