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Tag: angelic communication

Call to Arms: Embrace

Call to Arms: Embrace

Everywhere, intensity is rising. This is less a broad generalization than a statement of observation. From among the various scenes that pass across my screen of reality, I am witnessing conflagrations of fire, destruction of property, injustice without reason, violence, contempt, and loss. I'm sure
Crowded Motives Aside

Crowded Motives Aside

Recently, it's come to my attention that we're at a certain point in the midst of a massive level-up, and it's time to face that transformation square in the face. As a result of lifetimes of preparation, we're at a unique space of time in
Inside Out

Inside Out

Quiet, please…  Gosh but it's noisy. All the individual expressions emanating from so many source points are really getting into it lately. A chaos overlay takes on all the appearances of reality. Don't be fooled. Beneath the noise, beyond the chaos is sweet peace. You
Walking with Men of Light

Walking with Men of Light

Angels all around… Something's afoot. It's as if, bit by bit, connections to the otherworld are being plucked from their usual roosts. We're more and more being given a feeling of "on our own", yet at the same time of presence and awareness all around. I'm
Enter Angels, Exit Fear: “We Are Cherubim”

Enter Angels, Exit Fear: “We Are Cherubim”

When you’re in the Upside-Down, people in the real world hear you scream. Fans of Stranger Things know whereof I speak. I found this out last night, when I inadvertently found myself in the Upside-Down for real—momentarily—but long enough, thanks. As someone who rarely remembers