Nothing More than What Is: Video Edition
What does “disclosure” mean to you? It is truth-telling time, and when it comes to facing the truth with regard to our own soul, the question comes down to one thing: to love or withhold love. How will you choose to tip the scales? ©

Giving In to Self Healing
Given the amount of news that’s been happening lately, from letdowns of the big-time business kind to shutdowns of the government kind and meltdowns of the nuclear kind, not to mention showdowns of the cometary kind, it’s no wonder that the little wonders of life

FAQ: Frequency Adjustment Questions… Why Now?
For a long time, I’ve had questions for the Pleiadian Renegades and other sources I’ve had interdimensional communication with… questions beyond the business of getting the books and blogs written, and beyond the personal guidance I’ve received for myself and others. Questions like, who are

Yes, It’s Happening Now
Being in the earthly vibe these days is hard for everyone and impossible to sustain for many. I have heard of lost hope and no future before, but this is serious business to consider right now. In the recent weeks, the social structure has imploded

Come to Think of It
When I first started posting messages from the group of people who call themselves the Pleiadian Renegades, I never thought putting a few notes online would lead to the creation of the network of websites and people that it has. Three years and a half

Ask a Silly Question, Get an Honest Answer
It’s been a month of internal and external uncertainty, hasn’t it? I have felt the Squeeze of August in many ways, and am somewhat relieved to see September come in. Not just for the cooler temps to bring sanity to the heat of transformation, but

Lessons in Seeing
I decided it was time to ask the Renegades a few questions that had been hanging in the back of my mind, just to gain clarity and get them out of the way. This is the question-and-answer we had. I have some questions for you,