When We Reach Criticality, Opalescence

Thoughts on Time

Post-Ecliptic Thoughts
Now that we’re on the other side of the equinox eclipse, I have a moment to share my take on it. At the core, this is a major reset. Spring starts with a glimmer of light, then switches it off, then starts again. Now for

Friends Gather, and Isis Adds Her Voice
Sometimes when I write, I receive transmissions that originate from outside of the group of contacts you have come to know as the League of Light. The Pleiadian Renegades are still very much here, as are Anica, Asket, and Semjase (read Semjase’s recent message or

Yes, It’s Happening Now
Being in the earthly vibe these days is hard for everyone and impossible to sustain for many. I have heard of lost hope and no future before, but this is serious business to consider right now. In the recent weeks, the social structure has imploded

In My Dreams
I have often felt that this world of illusion is not very considerate of those people who live on the planet as visitors. There are, after all, illusions to suit any persuasion of fancy, but not many in the general mainstream that fit into the