While I don’t claim to have any degree of mastery of math and science, I do have a deep respect for and intuitive understanding of them. As well as for those who can explain it all well. Some of my own writings (such as in Opalescence) are full of the stuff, and it’s really always been fascinating to me, despite my own math-phobia. So, as it’s all fun, here are some prime examples of subjects of higher reasoning for you to enjoy.
Click the topics to nine your understanding:
Understanding Dimensions
Consideration of dimensions, whether mathematical, quantum, or metaphysical, is of endless fascination, by design. These should propel your thinking in a profitable direction for gaining a greater appreciation of all dimensions of… dimensions.
Quantum Theory Made Easy, Part 1
Quantum Theory Made Easy, Part 2
Easily digestible theory from King Crocoduck.
Higher Dimensions Get Really Weird
If Higher Dimensions Exist, they Aren’t What You Think
The Golden Ratio
Fractals and Patterns
The Mandelbrot Set
Fractality: Science to the Soul | Dan Winter
We Might Use Different Numbers in the Future
The Science behind the Butterfly Effect
This Equation Will Change How You See the World
Math: Hidden Secret to Understanding the World
Infinity Is Bigger Than You Think
Ramanujan: The Mathematician & His Legacy
Buckminster Fuller
Richard Feynman
The complete FUN TO IMAGINE with Richard Feynman
All Genius, All Buffoon: 100 Years of Richard Feynman - A Documentary
Feynman: Take the world from another point of view (1/4)
Feynman: Take the world from another point of view (2/4)
Feynman: Take the world from another point of view (3/4)
Feynman: Take the world from another point of view (4/4)
Richard Feynman - The Distinction of Past and Future. Part 1
Numbers Are Alive: The Power of 9
Marko Rodin: Vortex Torus-Based Mathematics
The original lecture from the early 1990s. Sit back awhile or take it in chunks… more than 4 hours of 9-based torus mathematics.
The Torus and Vortex Math
Nikola Tesla's Secret Key to the Universe - ROBERT SEPEHR
Donald E. Scott: Breakthrough – Counter-Rotation at Center of Galaxy | Space News
Unique Books [Sacred Geometry]
Buckminster Fuller Explains Vector Equilibrium - with captions
The Isotropic Vector Matrix - Nassim Haramein ( Abstract from Cognos 2010 conference)
Deleted video
Rodin Coil and Vortex Based Mathematics - 369 Torus Field Energy (without music)
Embedding a Torus (John Nash) - Numberphile
Nassim Haramein The Universal Pattern TORUS
Toroid Energy Flow Introduction
There's something about phi - Chapter 11 - The golden toroid and the infinite spiral
Consciousness & Science of Mind
Stephen Wolfram: Cellular Automata, Computation, and Physics
Michio Kaku: Future of Humans, Aliens, Space Travel, and Physics
Science & Reality
Parallel Worlds Probably Exist (Veritasium)
Time, Space, Reality, and Entanglement
Post-Quantum Mechanics of Conscious Artificial Intelligence: Jack Sarfatti
The Earth Still Isn’t Flat
Mind-blowing Image from the Hubble
Shape-Shifting Dinosaurs: Jack Horner
What Is Reality?
Hacking Reality
Scientific Clues that We Are Living in the Matrix
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